Cisewski-Kehe and Fasy (In preparation). Bias in the Mean Persistence Landscapes and How to Fix It.
Salzer, Cisewski-Kehe, Ford, and Zhao (Submitted, 2025). Searching for Low-Mass Exoplanets Amid Stellar Variability with a Fixed Effects Linear Model of Line-by-Line Shape Changes.
[Arxiv] [Code] [Data]
Li and Cisewski-Kehe (Submitted, 2024). A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Persistent Homology.
[Arxiv] [Code to come]
Glenn, Cisewski-Kehe, Zhu, Bement (Submitted, 2024). Confidence regions for a persistence diagram of a single image with application to cell biology.
Dakurah and Cisewski-Kehe (Submitted, 2024). A subsequence approach to topological data analysis for irregularly-spaced time series.
Cisewski-Kehe, Fasy, Giriyan, Quist (Submitted, 2023). The Weighted Euler Characteristic Transform for Image Shape Classification.
[Arxiv] [Code]
Zhou, Cisewski-Kehe, Fang, Banerjee (2025). High-energy Neutrino Source Cross-correlations with Nearest Neighbor Distributions, The Astrophysical Journal, 979, 194.
[Paper] [Code] [Arxiv]
Giriyan, Cisewski-Kehe, Fasy (2023). Image shape classification with the weighted Euler curve transform. Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum (Extended abstract).
Kilbinger, Ishida, Cisewski-Kehe (2023). Sidestepping the inversion of the weak-lensing covariance matrix with Approximate Bayesian Computation. Astronomy and Computing, 43, 100705.
[Paper] [Code] [Arxiv]
Simola, Bonfanti, Dumusque, Cisewski-Kehe, Kaski,, Corander (2022). Accounting for stellar activity signals in radial-velocity data by using change point detection techniques. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 664, A127.
Cisewski-Kehe, Fasy, Hellwing, Lovell, Drozda, and Wu (2022). Differentiating small-scale subhalo distributions in CDM and WDM models using persistent homology. Physical Review D, 106(2), p.023521.
[Paper] [Code]
Zhao, Fischer, Ford, Wise, Cretignier, Aigrain, Barragan, Bedell, Buchhave, Camacho, Cegla, Cisewski-Kehe, Collier Cameron, de Beurs, Dodson-Robinson, Dumusque, Faria, Gilbertson, Haley, Harrell, Hogg, Holzer, John, Klein, Lafarga, Lienhard, Maguire-Rajpaul, Mortier, Nicholson, Palumbo III, Ramirez Delgado, Shallue, Vanderburg, Viana, Zhao, Zicher, Cabot, Henry, Roettenbacher, Brewer, Llama, Petersburg, Szymkowiak (2022). The EXPRES stellar signals project II. State of the field in disentangling photospheric velocities. The Astronomical Journal, 163(4), p.171.
Holzer, Cisewski-Kehe, Zhao, Ford, Gilbertson, Fischer (2021). A stellar activity F-statistic for exoplanet surveys (SAFE). The Astronomical Journal, 161(6), 272.
Holzer, Cisewski-Kehe, Fischer, and Zhao (2021). A Hermite–Gaussian based exoplanet radial velocity estimation method. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 15(2), 527-555.
[Paper] [Code]
Simola, Cisewski-Kehe, Gutmann, and Corander (2021). Adaptive approximate Bayesian computation tolerance selection. Bayesian analysis, 16(2), 397-423.
Simola, Cisewski-Kehe, Wolpert (2021). Approximate Bayesian computation for finite mixture models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 91(6), 1155-1174.
Politsch, Cisewski-Kehe, Croft, Wasserman (2020). Trend filtering–I. A modern statistical tool for time-domain astronomy and astronomical spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492(3), 4005-4018.
Politsch, Cisewski-Kehe, Croft, Wasserman (2020). Trend filtering–II. Denoising astronomical signals with varying degrees of smoothness. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492(3), 4019-4032.
Berry, Chen, Cisewski-Kehe, Fasy (2020). Functional summaries of persistence diagrams. Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 4(2), 211-262.
[Paper] [Code]
Ning, Wise, Cisewski-Kehe, Dodson-Robinson, Fischer (2019). Identifying activity-sensitive spectral lines: A Bayesian variable selection approach. The Astronomical Journal, 158(5), 210.
[Paper] [Code]
Xu, Cisewski-Kehe, Davis, Fischer, Brewer (2019). Modeling the Echelle spectra continuum with alpha shapes and local regression fitting. The Astronomical Journal, 157(6), 243.
Xu, Cisewski-Kehe (2019). EmT: Locating empty territories of homology group generators in a dataset. Foundations of Data Science, 1(2), 227-247.
Cisewski-Kehe, Weller, Schafer (2019). A preferential attachment model for the stellar initial mass function. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 13, 1580-1607.
[Paper] [Code]
Green, Mintz, Xu, Cisewski-Kehe (2019). Topology of our cosmology with persistent homology. Chance, 32(3), 6-13.
Xu, Cisewski-Kehe, Green, Nagai (2019). Finding cosmic voids and filament loops using topological data analysis. Astronomy and Computing, 27, 34-52.
[Paper] [Code]
Simola, Dumusque, Cisewski-Kehe, (2019). Measuring precise radial velocities and cross-correlation function line-profile variations using a Skew Normal density. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 622, A131.
Yu, Del Zanna, Stenning, Cisewski-Kehe, Kashyap, Stein, van Dyk, Warren, Weber (2018). Incorporating uncertainties in atomic data into the analysis of solar and stellar observations: a case study in Fe XIII. The Astrophysical Journal, 866(2), 146.
Cisewski, Kadane, Schervish, Seidenfeld, Stern (2018). Standards for modest Bayesian credences. Philosophy of Science, 85(1), 53-78.
Davis, A. B., Cisewski, J., Dumusque, X., Fischer, D. A., & Ford, E. B. (2017). Insights on the spectral signatures of stellar activity and planets from PCA. The Astrophysical Journal, 846(1), 59.
Ntampaka, Trac, Cisewski, Price (2017). The velocity distribution function of galaxy clusters as a cosmological probe. The Astrophysical Journal, 835(1), 106.
Cisewski, Kadane, Schervish, Seidenfeld, Stern (2016). Sleeping Beauty’s credences. Philosophy of Science, 83(3), 324-347.
Shabram, Demory, Cisewski, Ford, Rogers (2016). The eccentricity distribution of short-period planet candidates detected by Kepler in occultation. The Astrophysical Journal, 820(2), 93.
Ishida, Vitenti, Penna-Lima, Cisewski, de Souza, Trindade, COIN collaboration. (2015). Cosmoabc: likelihood-free inference via population Monte Carlo approximate Bayesian computation. Astronomy and Computing, 13, 1-11.
[Paper] [Code]
Smith, Powers, Cisewski (2014). Qualifying Times for the Boston Marathon. CHANCE, 27(3), 25-33.
Hammerling, Cefalu, Cisewski, Dominici, Parmigiani, Paulson, Smith (2014). Completing the results of the 2013 Boston Marathon. PLoS One, 9(4), e93800.
[Paper] [Code]
Cisewski, Croft, Freeman, Genovese, Khandai, Ozbek, Wasserman (2014). Non-parametric 3D map of the intergalactic medium using the Lyman-alpha forest. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(3), 2599-2609.
Cisewski, Hannig (2012). Generalized fiducial inference for normal linear mixed models. The Annals of Statistics, 40(4), 2102-2127.
Cooley, Cisewski, Erhardt, Jeon, Mannshardt, Omolo, Sun (2012). A survey of spatial extremes: Measuring spatial dependence and modeling spatial effects. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 10(1), 135-165.
Cisewski, Snyder, Hannig, Oudejans (2012). Support vector machine classification of suspect powders using laser‐induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectral data. journal of Chemometrics, 26(5), 143-149.
Yeo, Cisewski, Lock, Marron (2010). Exploratory analysis of exercise adherence patterns with sedentary pregnant women. Nursing research, 59(4), 280.
Cisewski-Kehe (2023). Q&A Offers Additional Funding Insight [on the topic of NSF funding from outside the Division of Mathematical Sciences]. AMSTAT news: the membership magazine of the American Statistical Association, (October 2023, Issue 556), 19.
Eadie, Speagle, Cisewski-Kehe, Foreman-Mackey, Huppenkothen, Jones, Springford, Tak (2023). Practical Guidance for Bayesian Inference in Astronomy. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04703.
Eadie, Loredo, Mahabal, Siemiginowska, Feigelson, Ford, Djorgovski, Graham, Ivezic, Borne, Cisewski-Kehe, Peek, Schafer, Yanamandra-Fisher, Young (2019). Realizing the potential of astrostatistics and astroinformatics. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.11714.
Cisewski-Kehe, Schafer (2019). Special Issue on Astrostatistics. CHANCE, 32(3), 4-5.
Siemiginowska, Eadie, Czekala, Feigelson, Ford, Kashyap, Kuhn, Loredo, Ntampaka, Stevens, Avelino, Borne, Budavari, Burkhard, Cisewski-Kehe, Civano, Chilingarian, van Dyk, Fabbiano, Finkbeiner, Foreman-Mackey, Freeman, Fruscione, Goodman, Graham, Guenther, Hakkila, Hernquist, Huppenkothen, James, Law, Lazio, Lee, Lopez-Morales, Mahabal, Mandel, Meng, Moustakas, Muna, Peek, Richards, Portillo, Scargle, de Souza, Speagle, Stassun, Stenning, Taylor, Tremblay, Trimble, Yanamandra-Fisher, Young (2019). The Next Decade of Astroinformatics and Astrostatistics. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 51(3), 355.
Ntampaka, Avestruz, Boada, Caldeira, Cisewski-Kehe, Di Stefano, Dvorkin, Evrard, Farahi, Finkbeiner, Genel, Goodman, Goulding, Ho, Kosowsky, La Plante, Lanusse, Lochner, Mandelbaum, Nagai, Newman, Nord, Peek, Peel, Poczos, Rau, Siemiginowska, Sutherland, Trac, Wandelt (2019). The role of machine learning in the next decade of cosmology. arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.10159.
Algeri, van Beekveld, Bozorgnia, Brooks, Casas, Cisewski-Kehe, Cyr-Racine, Edwards, Iocco, Kavanagh, Mamužić, Mishra-Sharma, Rau, Ruiz de Austri, Safdi, Scott, Slatyer, Sming Tsai, Vincent, Weniger, Rittenhouse West, Wolpert (2018). Statistical challenges in the search for dark matter. arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.09273.
Cisewski (2017). Complex and High‐Dimensional Inference in Astrostatistics. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 1-8.
Cisewski (2017). In search of Earth analogues: Detecting exoplanets amid stellar noise. Significance, 14(2), 22-25.
Cisewski, van Dyk, Lee (2014). Astrostatistics: A New Interest Group. AMSTAT news: the membership magazine of the American Statistical Association, (446), 14.
Huzurbazar, Cisewski, Fosdick, Wang (2014). Opportunities at SAMSI and NISS. CHANCE, 27(4), 44-47.
Cisewski (2014). Revealing the invisible. Significance, 11(5), 61-63.
(Contribution to special astrostatistics issue: Hilbe, Riggs, Wandelt, de Souza, Ishida, Cisewski, Surdin, Killedar, Trotta, Bassett, Yabebal, Impey . (2014). Life, the universe, and everything. Significance, 11(5), 48-75.)
Ciollaro, Cisewski, Freeman, Genovese, Lei, O'Connell, Wasserman (2014). Functional regression for quasar spectra. arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.3168.
Ciollaro, Cisewski, Freeman, Genovese, O’Connell, Wasserman (2014). Nonparametric functional prediction of the unabsorbed flux continuum in the Lyman-α forest of quasar spectra. Contributions in infinite-dimensional statistics and related topics, 91-96.